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About Me

As a young child I remember racing round the grass track at primary school and beating all the boys.  Like many kids at that age, I had the dream of one day taking part in the Olympics.  I would win my school races and loved the feeling it gave me. 


At the age of 12, I joined Brentwood Athletics Club and would finish second from last in every, single race.  I knew then that my Olympic dream would never happen, but my passion for running never diminished.

At the age of 15, I was old enough to compete in the 400m and I won my first race for the club.  That is a special memory.  From there, I grew stronger, trained harder, and continued to do what I love.

Marathon & Triathlon Training

As a child, I remember watching the London Marathon on TV and saying one day I will do that!  Once I was old enough I started to enter the London Marathon year after year.  Back then, on your 6th consecutive attempt you could receive a guaranteed entry.  When I reached my 6th entry the rules changed....and after 13 years of trying to get that elusive entry I decided instead to try a triathlon.

It had similarities with the London Marathon and would therefore offer an alternative to feed my ambition.  My first Open Water Triathlon at Eton Dorney...and I won my age group.  The win gave me an added motivation, so I trained harder, got faster, and so pushed harder.  And of course, this meant I learnt the hard way.  The injuries appeared, firstly a right calf tear, then the left calf, then the hip - and so it continued - and I was always pushing my body back into training too soon.

On my 14th attempt, I finally got that London Marathon ballot entry.  I had to be patient, but also had to race against time to be fit.

I remember running for hours on the treadmill completing 400m, stop and stretched the calves and repeat - to get the distance in.  After completing the London Marathon, I chose to continue my new love of triathlon, gradually increasing the race distances over the next 2 years to achieve that Ironman status tattoo!


Trisutto Training


In 2017, I attended a Trisutto training camp.  I learned so much and still work with the coach Perry Agass today.  Patience is the key, and to build strength slowly.  I would rather spend money on a coach than a physio.

Perry help me realise my potential (and there is still more to come!) and qualify for the 70.3 Ironman World Championships in 2019.  Having learned so much, I now want to share this and give a little back, so I have become a Certified Trisutto Coach.  

This is a chance to work with my passion and help others realise their potential too.  I know from experience the difference a good supportive coach makes. Not having to worry about my training schedule and simply providing feedback on how my body feels after each day's session gives me the confidence I need, to know that I am improving, whilst minimising my risk of injury.

Let me give that gift to you, design your triathlon training schedules and give you the motivation and confidence to be the best you can be in YOUR next race.

Marathon Runners


I have participated in numerous races since 2014 onwards, in multiple locations around the world including US, Dubai, Bahrain, Oman, Vietnam, Croatia and the UK and 2 Ironman 70.3 World Championships.

I have participated in Sprint, Olympic, 70.3 Ironman and Full Ironman distances.

Best Race Achievements:

Eton Dorney Sprint distance Triathlon - age group win.

70.3 Ironman Vietnam 2022 - 2nd in age group and 2022 World Championship qualification.

70.3 Ironman Bahrain 2018 - 4th in age group and 2019 World Championship qualification.

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